How to Know the Best Network Marketing Company

Without any doubt if you are an advocate of financial freedom or a person open to new business opportunities, chances are you have heard about multi-level marketing (MLM), direct selling, or network marketing business opportunity and your problem is to know the best network marketing company to join as there’re varieties to choose from.You may probably have an image firmly planted in your mind of what network marketing is, based on the seemingly endless debate over whether these companies and programs are legitimate business opportunities or not. You may have been in the industry for some time, shifting from one company to the other searching for the best company to join.This article will give you the real scoop about network marketing and how to know the best company to join in MLM. I strongly believe that the entire industry is poised for explosive growth and can be one of the most significant solutions to any country’s youth unemployment crisis. The biggest problem in the industry is amateur networkers coming into the industry without proper training about network marketing and the leaders in the industry are not doing much to train the upcoming and aspiring network marketers.Those who are in the industry are not willing to invest in their education to know the right way to do the business, that is why “The beauty of MLM is the low cost of entry and the bad thing in MLM, is also the low cost of entry. People fail to invest in their education once they join any MLM company and expect to be successful in the industry and once they are not getting the result they anticipated thy move to another company because the money they spent in joining the previous company is something they can forget without a fight.If they spend a fortune to start it, they will do everything possible to make it work; they will invest in their education, give their time because the money involves cannot go down without them looking for ways to recover it. But in network marketing they expect more from the little investment and if they don’t see that in few weeks they will start screaming SCAM. One thing network marketing does is to expose you to your weaknesses and require you to address them through education or you quit. Many leave the company once that weaknesses showed up and label that company fake.In every company business presentation the presenter will say they are the best and their distributors will go out to say the same to their prospects. I will not blame them for that as any company that puts money in your pocket is the best company to you. To be successful in any network marketing company require a renewal of your mind, you must have a positive mental attitude towards network marketing.I cannot list a number of Good network marketing companies, below are some of the factors that make up a good network marketing company and it will help you choose wisely.Check The Registration and Ranking Status: In the Network Marketing and Direct Sales industry there is an organization called the Direct Selling Association (DSA) There are thousands of Network Marketing Companies in the world, only about 200 or a few more of them are registered with DSA. The reason is because every member company must abide by high strict business ethics given by the organization which include on how they deal with their distributors. It does not mean that any other company that is not registered with them is not legit, but you will be on the safe side working with a company registered with them because they belong to a regulatory body that check-mate their excesses. For ranking check and search on the company to know if they have been featured or rank on these sites. Check an honest review of the company through Goggle and YouTube to know what distributors and online network marketing coaches and writers have been saying about the company. I know there are companies out there with good intentions that are not registered with DSA, so explore every other means below to make your choice.How old is the company in business? You may hear terms like “ground floor company” or “start-up opportunity”. This entirely means the company is brand new. Statistics show that high percentage of new companies fail within their first five years because they are still in their formation stage. Every company started new and those that play the gamble of joining at the formation 5 years are the one reaping most of the dividend today therefore If you are OK with joining a new company in hopes that it will still be around after five years and you are one of the few that “got in early” then this should not be a problem for you.Check the Integrity of the Management Team. If the company is relatively new and you want to go ahead with it, check the integrity of the management team, the experience of the CEO and the team in Network Marketing Industry, their backgrounds and reputations. How many years’ experience they have in the industry and have they been successful in other companies in the network marketing industry. Their experience will help them shape the company to last a very long time than a money bag that just want to take advantage of the industry to amass wealth.If you can, talk to people that are currently involved with the company. Ask the person that is presenting the business opportunity to you if they can introduce you to other members, preferably members not in their team and listen to their stories about their real life experience with the company.Check Their Products or Services: This is a business, and just like if you were running a franchise or a storefront you must take a franchise of a product you know you can sell easily. Find out the features and benefits of their products to see if it will meet the need of the people you want to introduce into the business and those that will be your customers, will they use it and need more of the products?Examine the Compensation Plan. Compensation plans come in all shapes and sizes. Some are extremely complex to understand and others are very simple. You must know how fair and generous the overall distribution is. This is really important as the pay plan represents exactly how you’ll get paid–or not get paid. If you don’t understand the pay plan how are you supposed to know how much effort will be required for a certain level of pay?Sincerely Compensation explanation is complex subjects that cannot be explain fully in this article, even when you are explaining a simple compensation plan, but you must know the basis before starting your own network marketing business.There are five types of compensation plans used in Network Marketing industry, with many variations of each. There is probably no one plan that is perfect or right for everyone at every time. What may be the best plan for you today could change due to regulations, your experience in the industry and/or the type of product, even new technology. And, it’s those variations that can make the difference.Let’s take a look at the 5 different types of plans in their most basis forms, they are…

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Most new aspiring network marketing business owners always ask, which of these network marketing compensation plans is best. There is no one sentence that fits the answer to this question. It depends a lot on your personality and what you want to achieve from your network marketing business. The thing to remember is that, apart from retail profit where applicable, a network marketing compensation plan pays you for a combination of product sales and sales management. So if you are more of a traditional salesperson who can move tons of products, it may be advisable to go with the company that pays more for product sales than for managing sales teams. If you really want to make it big in network marketing, study the compensation plan of any company before signing up.Online Marketing: Make sure the company policy allows you to utilize the internet as a marketing tool and they must have system in place that will help you do that, such as your replicated website, online payment system, online product delivery system etc. People are utilizing the internet as their main marketing tool because of the automation on the internet that has allowed a much more consistent method of following up.The only reason why some companies don’t accept online marketing is due to people who utilize it to spam and that can give a very bad reputation not only to the distributor, but also to the company you’re working with.In conclusion, the best company in network marketing is the one that has a realistic pay plan, which is a compensation plan where the incentives given to members are achievable by the company through their product and services. You must also take notice of some of the points listed above to make your choices.

US Markets in green on Friday; Dow 30 up over 345 points, Nasdaq Composite, S&P 500 up nearly 1%

US Markets were trading in the green on Friday with Dow 30 trading at 30,678.80, up by 1.14%. While S&P 500 was trading at 3,701.66, up by 0.98% and Nasdaq Composite 10,690.60 was also up by 0.71 per cent

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US Markets in green on Friday; Dow 30 up over 345 points, Nasdaq Composite, S&P 500 up nearly 1%
Earlier today, Indian stock markets ended the week on a winning note. It was the sixth straight gains for equity markets. Source: Reuters
US Markets were trading in the green on Friday with Dow 30 trading at 30,678.80, up by 345.25 points or1.14 per cent. While S&P 500 was trading at 3,701.66, up by 35.88 points or 0.98 per cent and Nasdaq Composite 10,690.60 was also up 75.75 points or 0.71 per cent. A Reuters report said that today’s strength was on the back of a report which said the Federal Reserve will likely debate on signaling plans for a smaller interest rate hike in December, reversing declines set off by social media firms after Snap Inc’s ad warning.

Source: Comex

Nasdaq Top Gainers and Losers

Source: Nasdaq

Earlier today, Indian stock markets ended the week on a winning note. It was the sixth straight gains for equity markets. The BSE Sensex ended at 59,307.15, up by 104.25 points or 0.18 per cent from the Thursday closing level. Meanwhile, the Nifty50 index closed at 17,590.00, higher by 26.05 points or 0.15 per cent. In the 30-share Sensex, 13 stocks gained while the remaining 17 ended on the losing side. In the 50-stock Nifty50, 21 stocks advanced while 29 declined.

What is Debt Management?

Debt management is a topic most people will have to deal with at some point. Debt is acquired by not living within your means. Living within your means is simply that you do not spend more than you make. Debt management is controlling and managing debt responsibly. To reduce or eliminate debt and create a cash flow that keeps you out of debt is debt management. To completely control your debt you need to make a budget, reduce expenses and focus on paying debt. This is the essence of debt management.To start your debt management program and make a budget you will need to know all of your expenses and income for a set period of time. Most budgets are done on a monthly basis. You should record your monthly income and expenses on a sheet that will allow you to subtract your expenses from your income. You need to have a few sections for expenses because there are a few different types of expenses to consider in your debt management.Fixed expenses- These are expenses, like rent, that are always the same amount or around the same amount each time they are due. These expenses are also ones that must be paid. Good debt management prioritizes expenses.Variable expenses- This type of expense changes from month to month. They are also expenses that you can change the amount of if need be, like groceries.Debt- Debt can be either fixed or variable, but is different because you do not pay the full amount each month. You can chose how much you want to pay or have a minimal amount you have to pay.These three types of expenses should be noted on your budget as part of your debt management. Once you have drawn up your budget you need to balance it. Balancing your budget is also a necessary part of debt management and means that your expenses do not exceed your income. This is very important in any debt management program.You may find that your budget is not balanced. If this is the case you will need to try to find ways to reduce your expenses. While fixed expenses are the same month to month and you have to pay them, there are still ways to reduce the amount. You should comparison shop to find the best price you can get. You can do this with utilities, especially extras like cable TV and phone service. Look at the companies that offer service in your area and find the one with the lowest price. Variable expenses are easy to manipulate and this is most likely where most of your budget cutting will happen. Reducing your expenses will not only balance your budget, but give you some more money to pay off debt quicker. Debt management will pay off with a little planning and self control.Debt can hang around for quite some item. Most debt comes with interest charges that just keep adding up. You can try getting a lower interest rate. By calling the company you have a debt with you may find they have better payment plans or can offer you some savings. You should also always make a point to pay more than the minimum amount due, especially on credit card debt. The minimal amount due is usually mostly paying interest and not your actual debt. Be aware of creating new debt also. Pay your bills on time so you do not get extra charges applied. Debt management requires that you keep good records and stick to your budget so debt doesn’t get out of control.Debt management may seem like a difficult task, but if you keep records and stick to your budget it actually can be easy. Try to cut expenses and remember to always live within your means. Once you get a credit card paid off do not start charging again unless you can pay the balance off in full when the bill comes. That is the simplest way to stay out of debt. Start your own debt management program and not only get out of debt but stay out. Remember, for debt management to be effective you must stick to your plan.